My Journey! :)

                            To new beginning in world of blog!

I have been wanting to do this for quite some time but hadn't come around to making time for it. But finally! (phew! 😅😅😅) with #PennedBySumuu, I am bringing my personal moods and feelings through writing!

I don't actually know what it's for! i.e. a blog website but I have seen many blogger writing about what they love. Some of them write about food, life events, travelling, sports and so on. Well, living apart from family in a rented house for study mainly, I don't cook that much fancy so that I can write about food or so on. Also, I don't travel that much to write for a travel blog so that's not even possible as well. Eventually, what's left is just the feelings that arouse in my mind and thoughts that spins around my head. I thought I should try to pen down in a beautiful way so that it seems good to read whenever people like to come across my blog site accidentally 😂😂😂. Never mind, I guess I am not a boring writer though.

I am not an actual introvert as I enjoy company of people and I love to talk because I am a full time talkative. I consider myself a happy soul who likes to be happy herself and make others happy. Keeping on exploring how life treats us and realizing it bounds us with equal divisions of happiness and sorrows. Over a past few years despite being an extrovert I have developed a habit to keep things with myself and learnt from it. I feel like sharing with people directly and making them listen is to just bore them with unnecessary things of mine hahah so I just stopped doing that eventually. Hence, here it is! I will be writing whatever bad or good things that comes in my mind. I will write about my thoughts and ideas in life. Please understand that I am no professional in any literature kind of thing( I don't know what does it mean, but still just so you know, you know :D ) Writing to me is about sharing with the world how I see it and in the process finding therapy and ways to include myself in this universe!

I had a twitter account when I started writing about my personal feelings and things dwelling inside my mind but as my topics broadening and feelings growing the word limit in twitter pushed me to create this blog site! I realize I have lot to say and in a way, I want to enhance my path as a creative writer who feels good to write. I have had some good tweets written as well as some satisfactory ones. Now after a proper blog spot, every goods, satisfactory as well as bads will be here at your access. So have fun following it and reading it whenever you accidentally reach here out of no where :P 

To an extended #PennedBySumuu Journey, CHEERS!!! Have a great time ahead. See yaaa soooneesttt!!!!


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